Archai: As Origens do Pensamento Ocidental

Archai: Journal on the origins of Ancient Thought is published three times a year by Archai UNESCO Chair (University of Brasilia, Brazil).

It is published in Brazil (University of Brasília/Annablume) and in Portugal (Coimbra University Press, IUC), both printed and electronic free online access.

All manuscripts will undergo blind-review by peers.

Archai Journal is committed to a speedy and author-friendly review process; Authors can expect to receive notification the editorial decision within four months.

It is indexed by Web of Science - ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SciELO, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), L’Année Philologique, Philosopher‘s Index, DOAJ, Phil Brasil, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Google Schoolar, BASE, Diadorim, PKP Index and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. It has Impact Factor 5.171 in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor and it got the second best grade (A2) of its field (Philosophy) in the latest Qualis CAPES evaluation.

n 21 (September, 2017)

Laks, A.; Most, G. (2016). Early Greek Philosophy (9 vols.). Cambridge MA, Loeb Classical Library; Laks, A., Most, G. (2016). Les débuts de la Philosophie, des premiers penseurs grecs à Socrate. Paris, Fayard.

Aldo Lopes Dinucci

La filosofia virtuale di Parmenide, Zenone e Melisso Uno sguardo alle prossime Lezioni Eleatiche The Virtual Philosophy of Parmenides, Zeno, and Melissus A Glance to the Upcoming Eleatic Lectures

Livio Rossetti

Plato. Letters: Letter III

Rodolfo Lopes, Gabriele Cornelli

Some notes on Sextus Empiricus' method of approaching the téchnai

Rodrigo Pinto de Brito, Alexandre Arantes Pereira Skvirsky, Lauro Iane de Morais

Pyrrhonism,Sextus Empiricus,Against the profe

Metis and violence in Machiavellian political theory

Regina Maria da Cruz Queiroz

Cunning retionality,hubris of violence,politi

On the difficulty of understanding the sense of movement in Aristotle

Rafael Mello Barbosa

Ancient Philosophy,Aristotle,Philosophy of Na


Paulo Martins

Elegy,Propertius,Cicero,Dionysius of Halicarn

The memorization of epitomes in the Epicurean community and the redefinition of philosophical praxis

Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich


The concept of the Sun as ἡγεμονικόν in the Stoa and in Manilius’ Astronomica

Eduardo Murtinho Braga Boechat

Ancoent Cosmology,Stoics,Manilius,Greek Astro

On φύσις. What did the Greeks understand by φυσικός?

Alberto Bernabe

Philosophical vocabulary,Greek philosophy,phy

The Stoic concept of phantasia: from Zeno to Chrysippus

Aldo Lopes Dinucci

Phantasia, Stoicism, Cleanthes, Chrysippus.


Gabriele Cornelli (Editor-in-Chief)