Archai: As Origens do Pensamento Ocidental

Archai: Journal on the origins of Ancient Thought is published three times a year by Archai UNESCO Chair (University of Brasilia, Brazil).

It is published in Brazil (University of Brasília/Annablume) and in Portugal (Coimbra University Press, IUC), both printed and electronic free online access.

All manuscripts will undergo blind-review by peers.

Archai Journal is committed to a speedy and author-friendly review process; Authors can expect to receive notification the editorial decision within four months.

It is indexed by Web of Science - ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SciELO, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), L’Année Philologique, Philosopher‘s Index, DOAJ, Phil Brasil, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Google Schoolar, BASE, Diadorim, PKP Index and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. It has Impact Factor 5.171 in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor and it got the second best grade (A2) of its field (Philosophy) in the latest Qualis CAPES evaluation.

nº24 (September, 2018)

Plato. Letters: Letter VI

Gabriele Cornelli, Rodolfo Lopes

Plato,Letters,Letter VI,Dionysius II of Syrac

To be or not to be a Name. Tertium non datur. Cratylus’ Prophecy in Plato’s Cratylus

Barbara Botter


Explanation and Essence in Posterior Analytics II 16-17

Breno Andrade Zuppolini


The characterization of the sphere of temperance in EN III.10

Bernardo César Diniz Athayde Vasconcelos

Aristotle,Nicomachean Ethics,temperance

Metamorphoses of logos: from non-predicative to predicative

José Gabriel Trindade Santos

Plato,dialogues,predicative,non-predicative l

The parts for the whole: parataxic mentality in Homer and the Old Testament

Willibaldo Ruppenthal Neto, Renan Frighetto

Homer,Old Testament,Anthropology

The Failure of Philosophical Love. A Reading on Plato’s Symposium

Irley Fernandes Franco

Plato’s Symposium,Platonic love,Eros,philosop

Ὑπόκρισις. From the art of performing to the art of deceiving

Gustavo Bezerra do Nascimento Costa


On a finite and discrete algebraic model for educing space and movement from prime matter

Rodolfo Petronio da Costa

metaphysics,ontology of matter,philosophy of

The physiology of pleasure in Hippocratic medicine: models and reverberations

João Gabriel Conque

pleasure,medicine,Corpus Hippocraticum

L. Pitteloud (2017). La séparation dans la métaphysique de Platon. Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag.

Pauline Sabrier


Rodolfo Lopes